The following videos and topics have been designed to help in preparation for using Nexsure. Please review each item prior to initial Nexsure training.

Note:  Some of the videos may take a few moments to load. Once the images appear, view the recording from the start by clicking the Play button at the bottom of the screen.

Name Description Link
Understanding the Org Entity Structure Management and Accounting Administrators will view this video to understand the entity infrastructure of Nexsure.
Beginning Balances Management, Nexsure Administrators and Accounting Administrators will review this document to learn Beginning Balance preparation including instructions about adding General Ledger and Client balances as well as report confirmation.
Deluxe Forms Management, Nexsure Administrators, Accounting Administrators, and anyone responsible for ordering Nexsure compatible check stock and multi-purpose forms will use this document to facilitate ordering Nexsure compatible accounting forms.
Entering Carriers Management, Nexsure Administrators, Accounting Administrators, and anyone setting up carriers and commissions will use this document to facilitate the adding of Carriers and Commissions. Use this document as a guideline for setting up Carriers in Nexsure.
Carrier Worksheet Management, Nexsure Administrators, Accounting Administrators, and anyone setting up carriers and commissions will use this document to facilitate the adding of Carriers and Commissions.
Carrier Downloads Management, Nexsure Administrators, Accounting Administrators, anyone setting up carriers for download and anyone that will be processing downloads will view this video to learn how to setup carriers for downloads.
IVANS Set Up Management, Nexsure Administrators, anyone responsible for download setup will view this video to learn how to setup IVANS for downloads.
Download Interface Menu Management, Nexsure Administrators, anyone that will be processing downloads will view this video to learn how to navigate the Interface screen.
Nexsure Menus All Personnel will view this video to learn the Nexsure menu locations and terminology.
Nexsure Home Menu Navigation All Personnel will view this video to learn how to navigate Nexsure Home screens.
Searching for a Client All Personnel will view this video to learn how to search clients.
Adding a Client All Personnel will view this video to learn how to add a client.
Updating Client Records All Personnel will view this video to learn how to update the client record. (Part 1)
Updating Client Records All Personnel will view this video to learn how to update the client record. (Part 2)
Adding a Marketing Record Management, Marketing, and Servicing Personnel will view this video to learn how to add a marketing record for new business.
Form Navigation and Population Anyone responsible for completing applications and anyone that will be viewing data in applications will view this video to learn how to navigate and populate forms.
Populating Coverage and Premium Fields on the Form Anyone responsible for completing applications will view this video to learn how to enter data into the amount fields on forms.
Working with Schedules Anyone responsible for completing applications will view this video to learn how to work with scheduled sections of forms.
Creating Package Policies and Adding Supplemental Forms Anyone responsible for completing applications will view this video to learn how to create package policies and add supplements to forms.
Delivering the Marketing Record All Personnel will view this video to learn how to deliver marketing forms and documents from Nexsure.
Receiving the Quote from the Carrier Management, Marketing and Servicing Personnel will view this video to learn how to update marketing records with carrier quote detail.
In Force a Marketing Record for New Business Management, Marketing and Servicing Personnel will view this video to learn how to place a marketing record for new business in force.